Hawarden Community War Memorial Hall
Location: Adjacent to the Hawarden Reserve, the hall can be accessed from 8 Horsley Down Road.
Please note: The hall received a small amount of damage from the Canterbury earthquakes and may in time require repairs and strengthening. It has been assessed to have low earthquake strength but not low enough to shut the building down. There are notices on the front doors and other prominent places throughout the halls to inform the public.
- Stage
- Kitchen facilities
- Supper room
- Trestle tables
- Chairs
- Used by the Small Bore Rifle Club, which has an international standard facility.
Regularly used during the week for activities such as karate and ballet.
Location Map:
If you are intending to hold a function or event involving more than 100 people you will need to complete a Fire Evacuation Plan.
If you are intending to serve alcohol, you will also be required to fill in a Responsible Host Plan
Costs: refer to Council Fees and Charges.
Hurunui District Council bank account: 03 0802 0946666 00
Reference details: Camp fees: 112601563 and name; and Hall hire: 112601562 and name
Mairi Hartnell
03 314 4317