Volunteer Network - Advisory Groups
The Community Partnerships Team is proud to work with a range of agencies and individuals. They make our work easier by providing support, knowledge and information about different areas of interest. From these connections we have built up a network of advisory groups, steering groups or advocacy groups filled with amazing volunteers.
There is no substitute for local residents - and there are many things that are best done by people based in local places, there's a huge power in community. If you're interested in being involved with a network please register you interest via the form below.
Below is a snap shot of those that are currently in action.

Hurunui Age Friendly Steering Group
New for 2024.
As a group we currently meet adhoc, this is anticipated to change once the Hurunui Age Friendly Plan and action plan have been written. If you're interested to know more about the group and the journey to date please contact the co-ordinator: Vanessa Nelmes on 027 500 2562

Welcoming Communities Advisory Group
Hurunui District Council are delighted to announce the establishment of the Welcoming Communities Advisory Group, a diverse group with a shared passion for all our newcomers. This group is committed to guiding a new and innovative programme that will help create a welcoming environment for migrants, international students and other newcomers who are new to our local community. Want to know more? Email welcomingcommunities@hurunui.govt.nz

Together Hurunui Social Service Network
While not a traditional network, Together Hurunui provides opportunities for social/health services, agencies (e.g. NZ Police), schools, individuals and private businesses to be involved in this space. Meeting bi-monthly covering important issues such as mental health, drug harm prevention and poverty. Want to know more? Contact Natalie Paterson on 027 1800 2773.