The Hanmer Springs Community Board is responsible for the Hanmer Springs Reserves and the Hanmer Springs Memorial Hall.
Every three years, five community representatives are elected by the community and a Council-appointed West Ward Councillor also has a seat on the Board. A chairperson is elected at the Board's first meeting after the triennial election. At this meeting various areas of responsibility are divided among the board members.
Community Board meetings are generally held on the second last Monday of each month, at 1.00pm, in the Gallery at the Hanmer Springs Library, Amuri Avenue, Hanmer Springs.
Agendas and minutes from the meetings can be found on the meetings page.
Chairperson: Mary Holloway
Board Members: Alice Stielow (Deputy Chair), Cr Tom Davies, Chris Hughey, Michael Malthus, and Stacey Inglis.
Governance Advisor: Avril Fowler