The hard work of the Hurunui Waiau Uwha Zone Committee (HWZC) over the past decade, (including its past and current members and staff) was acknowledged at this morning’s Hurunui District Council’s Extraordinary Meeting.
A motion was passed that Officers will come back with a paper delivering options going forward, with regard to the future role of the HWZC.
There has also been unanimous Councillor agreeance to suspend the planned September refresh of the HWZC.
Mayor Marie Black supported the suspension, adding that Councillor Lynda Murchison’s suggestion “it’s time to take a pause” was very valid.
“We need compatibility, we need to co-design something for the future.”
The review of the HWZC responds to a direct request by the HWZC, supported by HDC and Environment Canterbury (ECan).
As part of the recent Fit for Future project (populating the Canterbury Water Management Strategy (CWMS) with 2025-2030 targets) the Mayoral Forum reaffirmed their support for zone committees, and then asked ECan to lead further advice on how to help zone committees focus more on implementation.
Mayor Black said the Council report stated that developing strong well-connected zone committees that are focussed on implementation through facilitating local action on the ground, is the purpose of any potential change.
“Identifying how zone committees can transition from a focus on planning, to collaboration, is paramount in this process going forward.”