Rates repayments – keep in touch
Let us know if you are struggling to pay your rates, because we are here to help you.
That is the message from Hurunui District Council, reflecting on the Rates Arrears Report that was delivered recently.
The amount owing at the end of December was $929,400.01 which compared with the balance as at 31 December 2019 of $657,764.17 – this represents a 41% increase.
As at 31 December 2020, there was a total of $630,871.72 (from 2,236 individual ratepayers) that was paid in advance.
Chief Financial Officer Jason Beck said rate payers in Hurunui are some of the best in New Zealand when it comes to paying their rates in advance, or setting up an automatic payments.
‘It’s much easier for us to know what’s going on, rather than ignoring your rates repayment.”
For those struggling with repayments due to COVID-19 affects, deferment policies can be arranged.
Please phone Council on 03 3148 816 for find out more information.