The Long Term Plan 2021/31 Consultation Document adopted by Council
The Hurunui District Council Long Term Plan Consultation Document ‘Finding the Fair Way’ was adopted by Council on Thursday afternoon May 6, 2021 and will be circulated to the community on Friday May 7, 2021.
The Consultation Document outlines what services Hurunui District Council (HDC) will provide for the next ten years, (the Long Term Plan - LTP) including what these services will cost, and at what levels rates will be set.
Mayor Marie Black said it is through community feedback that Councillors can find out what is important to its people, thus creating a robust plan that meets the wishes of all.
“We aim to provide a desirable place to live, treasure traditional rural values and heritage, create a thriving local economy, deliver essential infrastructure, and create a community that demonstrates environmental responsibility. All these aspects need community input and feedback so we can plan accordingly.
Mayor Black emphasised that several factors need to be dealt with as the community moves into the next ten years, including Water (compliance with drinking water standards, water pipe renewals), Roading (roading debt and increased costs, funding footpath renewal), and Public Service Capital Works (Transfer Stations, social housing).
As well as these key areas, three external factors must also be taken into consideration – COVID-19, Three Waters Reform, and Responding to Climate Change.
“By and large, our district survived COVID-19 with few significant impacts, because unlike other districts we were less dependent on tourism and more focused on primary production. But we can’t escape the fact that Three Waters Reform and Climate Change are two big areas that must be dealt with, channeled down from Central Government.”
Rates levels for the next 10 years make up part of the LTP, and will be at the forefront of everyone’s minds. As part of its financial strategy, the Council has set its rate increase limits large for 2021-22 (Year1) at 8.49%, and 5% for both Years 2 and 3, 2022-23 and 2023-24.
“The proposed rates increase for Year 1 of the LTP is due to a combination of actions the Council took to reduce rates in 2020-21 during COVID-19, but we must now ensure we maintain levels of service and meet standards for three waters and roading.”
For the remainder of the LTP after Year 3, the limits have been set at a 4% increase.
There will be a series of public meetings and drop-in sessions dotted throughout the district during the next month, with submissions for feedback closing on Monday June 7, 2021.
The LTP approach will be agreed on June 30, 2021 and coming into effect on July 1, 2021.
“I strongly encourage each and every one of you in our district to engage in this engagement process, because all feedback is important to us.”
Submissions can be logged online, at public meetings and drop-in sessions, emailed to, or sent on paper to LTP Submissions, Hurunui District Council, PO Box 13, Amberley 7441 – remember to include your contact details and tell us whether you would like to speak to Council.
More detailed information about the Long Term Plan can be found on the Council’s consultation page:, and questions at the drop-in sessions and community meetings are most welcome.