Thank you for the chats about your three waters
Thank you to everyone who took a moment last week to share their thoughts on the Three Waters Reform Programme which is currently being proposed by central government.
Mayor Marie Black said it is comforting to know that our community members are raising the same concerns Councillors are asking themselves.
Hurunui District Council will be responding to central government by the end of September, with a statement that reflects its thinking and will ensure it aligns with community feedback to date.
The informal feedback process will continue until the end of September, and anyone in the District is welcome to email or ring the Amberley office on 03 3148 816.
Messages of feedback can also be left at local Community Centres when they re-open at Alert Level Two, and look out for options for community drop-in sessions.
Water is a critical asset in our district and having good supply and service is appreciated particularly when we experience times of dry.Many people, particularly in our rural areas, have worked hard either individually or in conjunction with Council to shape the water services we enjoy today. It is therefore important to us that your voices continue to be heard as we work through this process with the government.
Chief Executive Officer Hamish Dobbie said Alert Level restrictions demanded some creative thinking, such as the Zoom sessions.
“It was great to see people embracing this technology from the comfort of their own homes all over the District, and good to know there are options out there for important conversations like the Three Waters Reform Programme.”
The Formal consultation process will begin around October, once central government has delivered its final document on the Proposal to all the district councils around New Zealand.
Then, the Mayor, Councillors and HDC staff will be going back out to everyone in Hurunui and asking them to review some options for the future governance of their drinking water, wastewater and stormwater.
“I strongly urge you to be as forthcoming later in the year as you have been so far,” said Hamish.
He added that this Reform is the biggest decision any local council in New Zealand has ever had to make.
“A collective decision creates a smart decision. Whether we opt in or opt out is up to you, so please let us know in this pending formal consultation what you want for the future of your waters.”