Statement of Proposal - proposed fees and charges 2021/22
The Hurunui District Council is consulting on the fees and charges using Section 83 (Special Consultative Procedure) of the Local Government Act (LGA).
Council’s fees and charges are the partial and/or total costs for our services. We review these each year as part of the Long-Term Plan to ensure they are kept up to date and align with our revised budgets.
The proposed changes are available for community feedback via the submission process from Monday 20 September 2021 at 9am until October 20 2021 at 5pm.
Submissions can be made as follows:
Email: - with the subject line 'fees and charges'
Post to: Hurunui District Council, PO Box 13, Amberley 7441
Drop in to: Hurunui District Council, 66 Carters Road, Amberley
Those who file a written submission have the option to present their views to Council in person on October 28 2021. Submitters wishing to be heard in person must clearly state this in their written submission.
For more information and to view the proposed fees and charges, please follow the link below.