Hurunui District Council moves to require My Vaccine Pass
You will now need to be vaccinated to access many of Hurunui District Council’s facilities, following Sunday’s announcement that community transmission of the Omicron variant of COVID-19 is occurring in multiple areas in New Zealand.
A My Vaccine Pass will be a requirement of all members of the public and staff to enter all Council service centres and libraries, including the main Council building on Carters Rd in Amberley.
Council’s Chief Executive Officer Hamish Dobbie said this is to ensure the health and safety of staff, and slow the transmission of the Omicron variant of COVID-19.
“It’s about everyone’s protection, we need to keep our staff healthy so they can help keep the community healthy.”
To keep within the government’s guidelines of Red setting, Council’s essential workforce will be splitting into self-contained teams, whereby there will be no cross over use of vehicles, papers or tools, and no physical interaction.
“Our teams will see changes within their own operations, but as far as the people of Hurunui are concerned, things will carry on as normal.”
Dobbie acknowledged that the traffic light system is somewhat a moving beast, and Council is doing its upmost to continue a quality delivery of services, while keeping everyone’s safety at the forefront.
“It’s frustrating times for all of us, so I thank you for your cooperation as we work through this together.”
If you have any questions, please phone Council on 03 3148 816.