Ready to make their mark
Hurunui Youth Council’s (HYC) newest recruits had a full few days at the HYC Training Camp learning the ins and outs of what it takes to be part of this group.
The Training Camp started on Monday and finishes today, based at Top 10 Holiday Park in Papanui, Christchurch.
During the Camp, HYC members engaged with many guest speakers. This included Youth Voice Canterbury members Piper Pengelly and Yonni Kepes with whom they discussed social media awareness, creator of Puzzle Piece Counselling Emma Christie who performed strength finding exercises, and Hurunui District Council’s Governance Advisor Michelle Stanley who explained Council agendas, meetings, and protocol.
During their downtime, this group of youths headed to Northlands Mall to catch a movie or hit the beach to enjoy some seaside activity.
Accompanying them was Youth Development Officer Ward Shearman, who is looking forward to a fun-filled year with the new crew.
“A new team means new possibilities, which is exciting. They are a keen group, and I can’t wait to see what they achieve this year,” said Shearman.
Ready to make their mark within the District, during Camp the HYC members spent time brainstorming new ideas and events for the Hurunui Youth Programme (HYP), which they as a group help facilitate.
These events would not be possible without the ongoing support of the Rātā Foundation, which recently granted HYP $35,000 a year for the next three years. These funds will be going towards operational costs to support recreational, cultural, and leadership-based activities for the youth of Hurunui.
Mayor Marie Black values this long-term relationship with Rātā Foundation, which has supported HYP for nearly 10 years.
“With Hurunui being a large rural district, I am grateful that this programme reduces the barrier of isolation for our young people and maximises the opportunities for connection. HYP provides opportunities for friendships and places wellbeing as a priority. I am extremely grateful for Rātā Foundation’s contribution and ongoing endorsement of the programme.”