First Meeting of the Hurunui Youth Council for 2022
There were a few fresh faces at Council Chambers this week as Hurunui Youth Council (HYC) held its first meeting of 2022 on Tuesday February 8th.
A big congratulations to the eight newly appointed members who have joined two HYC members from 2021 to make up this year’s Youth Council.
During the inaugural meeting, the Chairperson and Deputy Chairperson were elected.
Newly elected Chairperson is Millie-Jane McIlraith is a Year 11 student at Hurunui College. She is excited to be part of HYC, which she says displays large amounts of district pride.
“I am really looking forward to this year, I feel privileged to be in a position where I can speak on behalf of the youth of Hurunui and voice their concerns and opinions,” she said.
The newly elected Deputy Chairperson Laura Cundy is in Year 11 at Amuri Area School, and is looking forward to the opportunities ahead.
“I will be able to gain valuable leadership skills that I can use in the future. We have some great ideas to put forward to make our community a better place. I can’t wait to get started,” she said.
Around the table at Chambers, HYC identified significant projects to focus on for the upcoming year, tailored to the needs of our youth.
These projects include beautification of the environment, building on the work that has been started in the Rainbow community, supporting youth’s mental health needs, and volunteering to help our emergency services.
Upon completion of the meeting, Mayor Marie Black said she is delighted to see the 2022 year underway for HYC and reflected on the importance of having an influential group of young leaders lobbying for local youth.
“It is an honour to sit amongst young leaders and be inspired by their willingness to contribute to their communities. This may well be the beginning of a lifetime of leadership, and it is a privilege to be a part of that journey.”