No frills for the Draft Annual Plan, key services maintained
Sticking to the game plan will be the proposed way forward as Hurunui District Council sends its Draft Annual Plan out to its community to see what it thinks.
It was adopted in its entirety in Chambers at May's Council meeting this morning, unanimous agreement from Councillors for a dedicated effort to stick to the District's Long Term Plan (LTP) 2021/31 programme.
Chief Financial Officer Jason Beck emphasised that times are financially tough for many at the moment with high interest rates and inflation. The Council is not immune from these challenges, therefore no projects outside of what is deemed totally necessary for the District's upkeep and maintenance will be happening for the pending financial year.
"The proposed rates increase for the Hurunui District of 7.49% reflects this."
Beck explained the LTP budget for 2021-31 was based on assumptions that were appropriate at the time, a period of very low inflation ranging from 2.5% to 3.0% and an interest rate assumption of 2.39%
"The Consumer Price Index released for the December 2022 quarter showed an annual increase to prices of 7.2%, which is the highest level for 30 years and current interest rates sit above 5.00%.
To offset the current economic climate: the net dividend received from the Hanmer Springs Thermal Pools and Spa, used to offset rates, has been increased; there has been a reduction in budgets for reserves maintenance outside of core tasks (although communities have been provided with a small addition to the Reserves Contestable Funding for projects); and there will be no increase for the next 12 months to the earthquake-prone buildings rate.
Areas where Council has not made reductions is roading service levels, reduction of roading debt, three waters projects, and community grants/awards.
"But by sticking to core services and doing the basics well, we still endeavour to reduce the roading debt by $900,000," said Beck.
Mayor Marie Black said the challenge of inflation was always one that Council was planning for within its 10-year LTP, and adjusting where money is channelled within the District is an effective way of still ensuring key services are maintained.
"This is the path we must take for the time being, as a Council we continually reassess where funds must go, to keep key services at a level where our District still runs efficiently.”
During the next month there will be a number of District-wide public meetings and drop-in sessions to provide feedback on the Draft Annual Plan, and feedback can be provided online or via email.
Also in Chambers this morning, the Draft Waste Management and Minimisation Plan Statement of Proposal was adopted, the Plan is out for Public Consultation at the moment, alongside the list of Statutory Fees and Charges which were also adopted in their draft form and are out for Public Consultation.
More information about these three topics and how to have your say can be found online, by looking under Alerts/Consultations on the Council's website
Or give Council a ring and you will be directed.
Amberley: 03 314 8816.
Cheviot Freephone: 03 319 8812.
Amuri & Hanmer Springs Freephone: 03 315 8400.
The final date for public submissions and feedback is Tuesday June 6th, the day after King's Birthday Weekend.