An easy summer read
Apprehension filled Greg Dellow’s mind as he walked into Hanmer Springs library to set up an account.
Shortly afterwards though, he walked out the door feeling over the moon.
Legally blind, Dellow has no vision in his right eye, and five percent in his left eye.
He’s no stranger to audio books, via Audible subscriptions which he said are expensive because he reads a lot. Having heard that his local library has great resources like the app BorrowBox where he could have access to a massive range of literature, for free, he was keen to know more.
Dellow expected a difficult process to get his library card, a simple process for people with good vision but a potential nightmare for people who are vision impaired.
Contrary to his expectations, he received a library card there and then, and was emailed and text messaged the links to the apps that same day.
“It was a perfectly lovely and pleasant experience.”
He ‘moves around a bit’ with genres, and when he finds a good narrator he follows them too.
Dellow has called North Canterbury’s alpine town home for 25 years, he started as a lifeguard at Hanmer Springs Thermal Pools & Spa and moved into the technology side of the business over the years as his vision deteriorated. He is now Technology Manager.
“I work on everything computer related, and generally give everything a go.”
On a screen he sees black background and white writing, has a screen reader, and AI technology is a big part of his daily life.
His guide dog Benson is always by his side.
Looking forward to his summer holiday, Dellow is very happy to have a few good reads lined up.
District Librarian Mark O’Connell said his team works hard to assist everyone who walks through the library doors, helping them to enjoy all the services offered.
“We’re very proud of our libraries, and the on-going support shown to the whole community.”