A Word from the Mayor
As the Local Government sector grapples with the challenges of the viability of individual Long Term Plans and for councils up and down the country to demonstrate their fiscal responsibility, at a local level I feel proud of the integrity that elected members have brought to this intensive process. Local Government therefore has a role to champion and change our sustainability position for now and for future generations.
The broad focus area for change within LG is funding and financing, water resources inclusive of fresh, waste and stormwater, climate change, transport, and the Resource Management reform with the Fast Track Approval Bill which facilities the delivery of projects that may have regional and national benefits. These issues are individually matters of significance notwithstanding the cumulative impact.
At a local level our district has continued to deliver on capital expenditure and the Operations committee of council receives a monthly update on this progress. If you have an interest in seeking out more information a look on the website will contain all the information that may satisfy your need http://www.hurunui.govt.nz then have a look on the meeting and committee tab.
We are indebted to our volunteer community committees and advisory groups who play a major role at community level to govern local areas of interest. It is important that we acknowledge their input as this feeds into the value add of our district. Given that in June we will be celebrating with a National Volunteer week it is something that I want to publicly acknowledge as a critical part of what makes our district tick.
We thrive and are enriched by the goodwill of the many volunteers in every community and their contribution and impact is recognised and supported.
The National Volunteer week for 2024 runs from June 16 – June 22nd and an early warning will enable you to honour the collective energy and mana of all volunteers in the Hurunui District. They collectively grow our people and our district. Thankyou you are an inspiration.
All the best for a long weekend as we ready ourselves for the Kings Birthday celebration, I trust it’s a time for some rest and relaxation with a break from the school routine and perhaps a chance to reduce some of the sickness that is beginning to emerge through the district and more importantly be safe on our roads, a little extra time will make sure you and your family arrive at your destination safely.