A word from the Mayor
With the election cycle halfway through this term at the recent Canterbury Mayoral Forum we received a summary of the progress and achievements.
This regional forum set a range of agreed priorities in our Plan for Canterbury and with a unified approach set the vision early in the triennium to
- Care for our natural resources, to secure for both present and future opportunities.
- Create a shared economic prosperity so no one is left behind.
- Nuture caring, hope and kindness, standing strong together to withstand and adapt to challenges and change.
- Celebrate our diverse identities – and take pride in our common identity as Cantabrians.
The key priorities area includes consideration for sustainable environmental management of our land, air and water with a focus on land use and freshwater management. We consider our shared prosperity for all the communities building on our economic strengths, improving the transport network and coordination strategies for housing across the community and Climate change mitigation and adaption. Our strength is our unity in the completion of the Canterbury wide Climate Change Partnership Plan, Councillor Dave Hislop has been the voice of our council attending forum with other councillors and staff, the Canterbury wide launch will take place toward the end of the year.
With these initiatives in mind Mayors and Chief Executives across Canterbury continue to advocate to central government to ensure we achieve the best for the region of Canterbury.
At the local level we attended a great community event last Friday night at “Foxdown” in Scargill Valley with a great crowd across the district coming together for a night of fun and fellowship. I am aware many attended also the Glenmark Lions Community Quiz raising money for some patient comforts for the Waikari Hospital.
And this week I will be attending the opening of the Westpac Helicopter helipad launch in Cheviot, what an amazing community ensuring the safety of their residents and visitors to provide this new facility.