A Word from the Mayor
On Friday night we had the great privilege to attend a function on the HMNZS Canterbury which was berthed in Lyttleton Harbour. The purpose of the event was to celebrate with the team from Cholmondeley House as they commemorate 100years of service to the community.
Every year, Cholmondeley provide 3000 bed nights to more than 300 Canterbury children and over the past 100 years have supported 33,000 children and their families providing a short-term place to stay when families need respite while offering wrap around support. This wonderful legacy would not be possible without the incredible community who generously support everything that is done.
And on Saturday night we joined the celebration dinner for the Hurunui Theatre Group who have achieved 30 years of entertaining the community. The group started with humble beginnings to now being a sophisticated and talent packed group. Hosted by Dave Nicholls we were entertained with a trip down memory lane and songs from many of the productions over the years. Thoroughly entertaining with even a guest performance by the patron and local identity John McCaskey who at 86 performed a song from Oklahoma. We are so lucky to have so much talent living in our community.
I am looking forward to attending a “Together Hurunui” initiative on 20 March 2025 “Growing Great Brains” presented by Dr Miriam McCaleb. This promises to be an engaging and informative session to support parents in the complex world of parenting and will focus on Child Brain Development, Tech use implications and School readiness. This session is brought to you with support of the Lottery Grants Board and will be hosted at the Amberley School. Booking is essential via Natalie.paterson@hurunui.govt.nz
I encourage our farmers to support the Agrecovery pilot that is currently being offered as the only nationwide agricultural recycling programme accredited by the Minister of the Environment. The pilot is testing the design and implementation of the Green farms Product Stewardship Scheme. The trial operates from Waipara Winehouse Glasnevin Road between 8am-3pm on 26 and 27 February, 5 and 6 March, 12 and 13 March. Please check the info@agrecovery.co.nz website for more information.
Take care