Rural Collections
Rural householders can use the rubbish and recycling collection service providing official Hurunui Council bags are used and the recycling guidelines followed.
Unless agreed in advance with council, official bags must be left at one of the drop off points below by 8am on collection day - non holiday weeks.
Waste or recycling left prior to collection day or in non-Hurunui Council bags are deemed illegally dumped waste under the Litter Act (1979), Sections 14 and 15.
Location | Area | Collection Day |
Roadside verge outside Amberley Pool | Amberley | Tuesday |
Junction of Grays Road and Ashworths Road | Amberley | Tuesday |
By Leithfield toilets | Leithfield | Tuesday |
Kerbside outside Greta Valley Garage | Greta Valley | Wednesday |
Kerbside outside Greta Valley School | Greta Valley | Wednesday |
Kerbside outside Omihi School | Omihi | Wednesday |
Kerbside outside Scargill Bowling Club | Scargill | Wednesday |
Junction of Johnston Street and Ferguson Avenue | Waipara | Wednesday |
Roadside verge by Amuri Service Centre on School Road | Culverden | Thursday |
Junction of Long Plantation Road and Culverden Road | Culverden | Thursday |
Junction of George Street and South Street | Rotherham | Thursday |
Roadside verge outside Waiau Hall on Cheviot Street | Waiau | Thursday |
Gemmells Road corner | Hawarden | Thursday |
Hassalls Road corner | Hawarden | Thursday |
By Hawarden toilets | Hawarden | Thursday |
Car park by Waikari toilets | Waikari | Thursday |
Watertrough Corner | Waikari | Thursday |