Local Water Done Well
Local Water Done Well is the Coalition Government’s plan to manage water infrastructure and delivery.
In December 2023 the government announced a new direction for water services, replacing the previous government’s Three Waters legislation.
Government to repeal Three Waters legislation | Beehive.govt.nz
Local Water Done Well provides councils with the flexibility to determine for themselves the most suitable water delivery method and structure for their communities.
What this means for Hurunui:
Hurunui, along with all councils across the country, have to draft a Water Services Delivery Plan, which demonstrates how water services will be sustainably delivered, meet future health, economic and environmental regulations, and outline what is needed to meet regulatory requirements and the financial impact on its ratepayers.
Water Services Policy and Legislation - dia.govt.nz
Hurunui District Council has invested significantly in water infrastructure, with major upgrades to all of its water supplies in order to comply with New Zealand Drinking Water Standards.
These works have been debt funded.
Hurunui District is well placed to meet current and future demands, and anticipated growth.
Next Steps:
The government has provided councils with a timeline to meet legislative requirements.
- Councils are required to develop Water Services Delivery Plans by 3 September 2025.
- Councils will consult with their communities on preferred options March-April 2025.
Water Services Policy legislation and process - dia.govt.nz
Previous statements by Council:
North Canterbury Working Together on Three Waters - Hurunui District Council
Council opposes government’s Three Waters Reform - Hurunui District Council
Three Waters Reform mandate by central government, power and control - Hurunui District Council