934 issues raised in total with 5 main themes
Road Conditions- issues relating to the physical state of roads. About 2/3 of the issues concerned the state of repair (potholes, surface condition, etc.) and the remaining 1/3 were about the way the roads were laid out (blind spots, road junctions, etc.).
Speed & Speed Limits - issues relating to the speed of traffic or speed limits. Out of 254 reports, 171 (67%) wanted a speed lowered, 34 (13%) wanted a speed restriction moved, and 49 (19%) wanted a speed limit raised.
Roadsides - issues relating to condition of roadsides. Problems included overgrown drainage ditches, trees blocking visibility and vegetation encroaching on the roads.
Signs - issues relating to signage and road markings. There were not a huge number of issues reported and many of those related to State Highways which are the responsibility of the New Zealand Transport Authority (NZTA) - we are referring those on. Other issues we will be looking at on a case by case basis to see where improvements can be made.
Foot/Cycle Paths - issues about foot paths and cycle path. The low number of issues reported is a reflection of the work programme to bring our footpaths, district wide, up to an acceptable standard.