What you need to know for activities on or near a council road
What's under the ground - BeforeUDig
Permissions and processes - CARs and WAPs
- Warranty - As part of the conditions for the work, you will be required to remedy any defects found in your completed work site for a period of 24 months.
Note: Warranty cannot begin until the works completion has been signed off by Council staff.
Traffic Management Plan (TMP)
Approved TMP extension request
From time to time, for various reasons, the work is delayed and the dates will need to be extended to cover the work. To apply for a date extension to an approved plan - please complete the Extension Request Form and submit for approval.
Road Space Bookings (RSB)
Events and Road Closures
If you wish to run an event on the road corridor or adjacent to the road corridor in a way that will change the normal operating conditions of the road, you will need to submit a traffic management plan.(TMP)
Events with a road closure
All TMPs that involve a full road closure must include a completed Temporary road closure application and require a bond (see current Fees & Charges)
Road closures
In order to meet the legal requirements, The Council is required to advertise the proposed closure. This will be placed in the public notice section of the local paper at the applicant’s costs (from the bond deposit amount placed).
The first placement will be for the calling for any reasonable objections to the proposed event’s road closure. The objection period will be 1 week.
Approved applications will be advertised in the local newspaper on the next available date following the Committee’s decision, again at the applicant’s costs.
A Bond of is to be deposited with the application. (see current Fees & Charges) Processing of the application will not commence until the bond is received.
In the event that the closure is cancelled, the applicant is still liable for all costs incurred to date of cancellation, including officer time.
All advertising costs will be deducted prior to any bond refund to the applicant
All costs for remedial grading, road furniture replacement and/or metaling, as determined by the Council Roading staff, will be deducted prior to any bond refund to the applicant.
The remainder of the bond will only be refunded once the road has been inspected and all repairs (if any) have been made.
The applicant is bound by any and all conditions as stated by The Council.
The Council reserves the ‘right of refusal’ of any application lodged with reasonable explanation.
Processing Timeframes
Submitting complete and thorough applications with an appropriate lead-time is an important part of making sure an activity goes ahead as planned. While we reference minimum lead-times, we strongly encourage that people involved in this process plan for larger lead-times which should account for any unexpected delays in approval e.g. coordination with other contractor approvals.
The timeframes below are minimum lead/processing times.
Standard CAR or TMP | 5 working days |
Non-event Road Closure TMP | 10 working days** |
Event Road Closure TMP | 42 working days *** |
** This allows for 5 working days to process the TMP and 5 working days to establish the static warning signs.
*** Statutory requirement for public advertising. This also allows time for public feedback and consideration by Council at the next available meeting.
Licence to Occupy Road Reserve
Temporary Fences
Temporary fences must also comply with section 8. ROADSIDE FENCING of the Hurunui District Public Places Bylaw, (2014)