What's happening?
Upcoming Grading Locations
Each week our contractor advises us of the planned weekly grading programme.
This week’s locations (week of Monday 16 December 2024) are:
- Grader - Conway Flat Rd, Glendhu Rd
- Grader - Mt Cass Rd, Lake Sumner Rd
Locations can be subject to change.
This interactive road maintenance map is updated with scheduled maintenance work.
If your contact details are lodged with council, you will be notified of any major planned work on your road.
Help us to keep you informed - update your details
To report a road issue email our Roading Department - Phone 03 314 8816 or report an issue using your smartphone and Snap, Send, Solve it.
We require all work carried out to be safe and of quality workmanship. If you have any concerns, please contact us.