Last updated 27 January 2025
Applicant: Far North Solar Farm Limited
Status: Further information has been provided by the applicant. This will be uploaded to this page this week. The application remains on hold.
Proposed activity: Construction and operation of a solar farm, including:
- Solar panels over 180.8 hectares of the site to generate in the region of 143.8 MWp
- Access tracks at regular intervals through the site, plus use of the existing vehicle crossing.
- An MV room near the road boundary with SH7. Thirty inverter stations are proposed at regular intervals across the site adjacent to the access tracks.
- An area of grape vines for a winery are proposed in the south eastern corner of the site adjacent to Weka Creek.
- An exclusion zone around the existing house and buildings located on the site adjacent to the eastern boundary.
- Revegetation of the slopes between the terraces. The boundary with the creek has a mix of planting, mostly Japanese Cedar but in some places natives on request from the adjacent neighbour.
- Screening of the road boundary, southern, northwestern and eastern boundaries of the site with plantings 3m in width and 4m tall. The height has been increased to 5m.
- The site is to be surrounded by a fence 1.8m in height with 3 strands of barbed wire above.
- The applicant has requested the proposal is notified on a limited basis to four properties.
Address: 380 Waipara Flat Road
Please note some of the application documents are very large files.
Commissioned peer reviews
Review of ITP Glint and Glare Assessment
Peer review of landscape and visual effects - Request for further information
Peer review of landscape and visual effects - Further information request
Peer review of landscape and visual effects - Timeframe extension for response
Section 92 information
Section 92 request
Section 92 response