Hurunui Youth

Who we are and what we do:
The Hurunui Youth Programme is underpinned by positive youth development framework and provides a strengths based Kaupapa (policy/approach) to supporting young people on their journey.
The Programme offers recreational activity, development programmes and leadership opportunities for young people (taiohi) aged 12-24 years across the Hurunui District. These are offered throughout the year in school, outside of school and during school holidays.
The Hurunui Youth Programme is based upon our Hurunui Youth Strategy which was designed in partnership with our local young people and reflects youth focused narrative on need and aspirations.
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Working with Hurunui Young people? check this out!
Hurunui District Council Child Protection Policy
This policy is about ensuring the safety and wellbeing of children who interact with Hurunui District Council.

Hurunui District Council Youth Funding Grants
Secondary School Achievers Fund: available for current school students from Year 11 – Year 13, who are going on to further study in the following year.
Sport NZ Rural Travel Fund: to assist young people in rural communities to participate in sporting competitions.
Hurunui Volunteer Youth Awards: Annual awards that acknowledge and recognise the amazing contribution young people offer community through volunteering. Adults supporting youth in a voluntary capacity are also acknowledged. Opens April each year.
Community Youth Groups: If you are interested in running or already operating a youth group, we may be able to offer funding, training opportunities, advice on sustainable positive youth development opportunities. Maybe you want to team up? Let’s collaborate! Get in touch if you want to connect.
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Thanks to our Funders
- Rātā Foundation for funding our programme activity calendar
- Ministry of Youth Development for funding youth opportunities
- Department of Internal Affairs (Lottery Funds) for funding our version of a Wellbeing Hub and our youth worker (fixed term for 12 months).
- Sports Canterbury - South Ward Connect