Parks & Reserves

Cheviot Hills Reserve
General information
The Council has a statutory requirement under the Reserves Act 1977, to provide and maintain parks, reserves and recreation areas for the benefit and enjoyment of the public.
Our main responsibilities include ensuring accessibility for public use, and the preservation of indigenous flora and fauna, natural ecosystems and heritage.
Parks, reserves and recreation areas in the Hurunui District include:
- The Hanmer Springs Thermal Pools Reserve
- The Queen Mary Hospital Historic Reserve
- 26 playgrounds
- 2 swimming pools (Amberley & Rotherham)
- 14 halls
- 14 recreation reserves developed for sporting and passive relaxation
- 18 reserves undeveloped but available for passive relaxation
- 7 plantation or forestry reserves
Other reserve areas are currently leased and will remain undeveloped until required.
Please see our interactive map for dog friendly areas in the Hurunui District.
District Reserves Management Plan
The District Reserves Management Plan aims to provide a consistent management approach to the districts reserves. It clarifies lines of responsibility for control and management and provides indicative development directives and priorities.
The Reserves Management Plan 2025 was adopted by Council on 28 January 2025.
The following documents constitute our Reserves Management Plan. The introduction contains all the general policies while the remaining documents list the reserves in each ward.
Hanmer Springs Thermal Pools Reserve
The Council operates the Hanmer Springs Thermal Pools & Spa on the Hanmer Springs Thermal Pools Reserve. The Thermal Pools and Spa provide a significant revenue stream to the Council that helps keep rates lower than they would otherwise be.
The current management plan for the reserve was adopted in November 2011.
Queen Mary Hospital Historic Reserve
In August 2010 the Council acquired 6ha of the former Queen Mary Hospital land, including the Chisholm Ward, Soldiers' Block and Nurses' Hostel historic buildings, for preservation for future generations. This ended an eight year campaign by the community to retain it in public ownership.
The Queen Mary site dates back to the establishment of a Soldiers Hospital in 1916, for the recuperation and rehabilitation of injured and war-weary soldiers returning from the WW1 front lines. More recently, the Queen Mary Hospital was a specialised national facility for alcohol and drug rehabilitation. This facility closed in 2003.
The current management plan for the reserve was approved by the Minister of Conservation in December 2011.
Since owning the site the Council has undertaken waterproofing, essential refurbishment and repainting. Technical reports provide further information on the protection of the heritage buildings and landscape.
Listen to audio clips about some of the hidden gems at Queen Mary Hospital Reserve:
Soldiers' Block (Queen Mary Hospital Historic Reserve)
Here you will find all the information relating to the Soldiers' Block's concept plans, media releases, etc.
Conical Hill Reserve
The Council has prepared a 10 year Forest Management Programme for Conical Hill Reserve.
Council has prepared a revegetation plan for an area of Conical Hill that was cleared of pine trees in 2013.
In 2018 the Council consulted on a concept plan for the future development of Conical Hill Reserve. Work is underway to implement this plan.
Hanmer Springs combined reserves: Dog Stream Reserve, Brooke Dawson Park and Tarndale Park
In 2018 the Council consulted on a concept plan for the future development of the combined reserves. Work is underway to implement this plan.
Hanmer Springs Severe Weather Closure Protocol
From time to time severe weather conditions such as high winds, heavy snow fall and heavy rain may threaten the safety of the public if they access council reserves and recreational tracks. The main threats include falling trees and branches in high winds and heavy snow, and flooding during heavy rain fall. During such severe weather events, in the interest of public safety the council may close a reserve or walking track for a period of time until it is deemed safe for the public to re-enter. The Protocol for the Temporary Closure of Hanmer Springs Reserves and Track Network During Severe Weather Conditions was developed to outline the processes and procedures that would occur for these closures to occur.
The reserves that would be affected by closure during severe weather events have been identified by high use areas with a large number of trees, and presence of waterways. The following reserves may be affected by temporary closure during a severe weather event.
- Conical Hill Reserve Walkway
- Dog Stream Reserve Walking Tracks and Brooke Dawson Park
- Amuri Ave Reserve
- Larch Reserve
- Woodlands Reserve & Walkway
Amberley Eastern Reserve (The Village Green)
Freedom Camping
Freedom camping within Council reserves is subject to the Freedom Camping Bylaw.
Take a look at the interactive freedom camping maps to see where you can freedom camp in the district.
Swimming Pools
The Council has two 25 yard public swimming pools located at Amberley and Rotherham. They provide a focus for families, schools and communities.
The quality of the water at the pools is continuously monitored to ensure health and safety for all users. Swimming lessons help all ages to enjoy the water safely, and lane swimming is available for serious trainers.
The Amberley Swimming Pool is staffed by fully trained personnel, and open seven days a week at various session times during the summer months.
The Rotherham pool is community run and used by the local school.
Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) rules require drone operators to get the permission of all landowners whose properties they will fly over. This includes the permission of Council when flying over Council owned land.
Before you fly...
- Have you visited This website has lots of easy to understand information on drones.
- Are you familiar with the CAA rules? Will your planned flight follow the Part 101 rules? If not contact the CAA - you may need a different permission.
- Are you flying over council land? Read our policy for operating drones over Council Reserve Land. This policy has important information for flying over council reserves in our district. If you want to fly outside of the policy conditions you need to apply for permission from the Council.
- Do you understand the airspace? Are there private airfields nearby?
Remember it is your responsibility to fly safely. You are a pilot. Be courteous to other reserve users and adjoining property owners.
Running an event in a reserve
You will need permission before you run an event in a Council reserve. Please see our "Events" page for more information.
Works Safety Plan for Volunteers
Please fill out this form Click Here, following the steps below;
- The volunteering group requires a supervisor of the work, who is familiar and well versed in the activities required.
- The Supervisor is required to fill out the Works Safety Plan for Volunteers. Call 03 3148816 if you would like help with it
- This form is to be submitted to within a minimum of 2 weeks of the work start date.
- An officer will check the form and may discuss directly with the supervisor and depending on the type of work, may carry out a site assessment
- All going well, the supervisor will receive approval to proceed
- Work is carried out*
- Supervisor notifies once the work is completed with an update on any incidents or near misses experienced
*any instances of harm are to be phoned through to the approving officer as soon as the harm instance has been resolved, e.g. medical treatment applied and the site is made safe. Failing to reach that person call the office number 03 3148816.