Hurunui residents have been surveyed and the majority are ‘satisfied’ or ‘very satisfied’ with the Council’s performance.
The Hurunui District Council recently used Opinions Market Research to undertake a Resident & Ratepayer Satisfaction Survey, the results of which have been made publicly available. A satisfaction survey like this was last conducted in the Hurunui in 2018.
Interviews for the survey were via email and telephone. 324 residents replied to email within the timeframe and 71 telephone interviews were conducted. A total of 395 interviews were completed, providing a 95% confidence level.
The survey report is available below so that anyone can view the results.
The results included residents’ satisfaction on services such as water supply, rubbish and recycling, resource and building consents, libraries, parks and reserves, animal control (including dog registration), cemeteries, sewerage, and all roads except state highways.
Overall, 71% of participants expressed satisfaction with the performance of the Council and 66% with the Mayor and Councillors. These satisfaction levels are slightly higher than in 2018.
73% of participants had contacted the Council offices in the past year. Approximately three-quarters of these were satisfied with the service they received. This level of satisfaction was similar to 2018.
When asked about current and preferred means of communication it was found that the phone was the most often used and preferred. This was followed by email, then a visit to the Council offices and finally the Council website.
Chief Executive Hamish Dobbie said “It is pleasing that Council was able to maintain its service levels despite the COVID-19 shutdown in the latter part of year surveyed. We note the areas where our ratepayers and residents are less satisfied and are working to improve the services in these areas”.
The results from 2020's satisfaction survey can be viewed by downloading the document below: