Opportunities aplenty for Hurunui’s young job seekers
There are opportunities aplenty for Hurunui’s young job seekers.
Hurunui Council’s Mayors Taskforce for Jobs (MTFJ) Programme is calling for new programme candidates following a bumper 2023 that saw 35 MTFJ job placements.
Youth Team Leader Jo Sherwood says the programme is building on from the strengths of last year, with two new faces at the helm and local businesses already on the lookout for young people.
“We’re celebrating engaging two new passionate and energetic people in our MTFJ programme. We welcome Chris Sutherland as our new Programme Lead and Youth Coordinator Anna Scott as our Youth Connector.
“Chris and Anna have already connected some young people into employment and they’re looking out for more job seekers.”
MTFJ supports young people aged 16-24 who are not working, studying or training into sustainable employment. Both Chris’s and Anna’s roles are funded through the Ministry of Social Development, Sherwood says.
“Chris has been connecting with local businesses and has identified a number of jobs, from auto apprenticeships to café and farm work to Class 2 drivers, and more.”
No stranger to North Canterbury, Sutherland brings a wealth of experience as a business owner, recruiter and compliance advisor, and is involved in the community, Sherwood says.
“Anna brings with her a huge energy and passion for young people. Having taught school-aged and young adults at community college, owned her own business and been involved in hospitality and events, she brings a range of skills that will support our young people to become work ready.”
Sutherland says MTFJ is a great way to connect local businesses and young jobseekers – “even if it’s for short-term work experiences over one day, or longer for a few weeks. Experience in the job industry helps our young people gain skills and get work ready.”
MTFJ is a nationwide partnership between Local Government New Zealand (LGNZ) and the Ministry of Social Development (MSD) that has a strong focus on getting young people into sustainable employment.
If you’re a young person in Hurunui looking to get that important first step to success, please get in touch through Council’s website at www.hurunui.govt.nz/community/business-support/1-mayors-taskforce-for-jobs or ring Chris or Anna at 03 3148816.