Relationships are Key
On a personal note, Dave and I have recently attended a wonderful catchup with great friends who we met when our 3rd daughter was at Acland House attending Christchurch Girls High School, given that the girls are all turning 40 in the next 6 months demonstrates the value of the relationship developed as a parent group was important then and continues to be important for our own collective wellbeing now.
Relationship is also the cornerstone for the districts of Kaikoura, Waimakariri and Hurunui beginning a conversation regarding a joint up consideration for delivery of water services into the future.
Thankfully a strong and trusted relationship already exits with the councils already working together on several issues, already having confidence in sharing services and working in collaboration when support is needed from a professional but neighbourly perspective.
Many of you will have followed with interest the new legislation under Local Water Done Well which in essence means that once the legislation is passed and royal assent is granted councils up and down the country must present and have signed off a Water Safety Delivery Plan within a twelve-month period. There is no doubt in my mind that this will put councils under enormous pressure if there is no forward-thinking action like our three councils are undertaking.
While it is not determined what or how the options might look like we are certain that our early conversations will establish the groundwork and assist with the understanding of the shape of our future.
Of critical importance is the genuine intent and willingness for our three councils to fully engage with our communities and ensure that everyone understands what this will mean, although the time frame for consultation is not yet established, however this will be conveyed in due course.
At the time on writing this column – Sunday morning – the rain is now falling and whilst many will be very busy on their farms the rain will be welcome as we look forward to the promise of a good spring. The Hurunui Adverse Events Committee welcomed Minister for Rural Communities Mark Patterson and our local MP Stuart Smith last week to provide some opportunity for central government ministers to understand the impact of the critical rain deficient.
Another good example where relationship is imperative as we continue to advocate for ongoing support for our community.