The Hurunui District Council has successfully secured consent for an additional 15 litres per second drinking water supply from its bore site on Racecourse Road!
This bore currently supplies the district just south of the Waipara River (see image), including a small allocation of water to Amberley Township when the demand for water is high. It is a highly desirable supply with hardness at only 80 mg/Litre (as opposed to the 100-150 mg/Litre that the township currently receives from the Leithfield Beach Bore), and iron at insignificant levels. This new approved allocation provides the council with the opportunity to pump the full additional quantity into Amberley Township to improve the quality of its drinking water.
Council officers are securing the services of a professional driller to put a second bore down at the Racecourse Road intake to get the full allocation and are designing the supporting infrastructure to get the water to the Seadown Reservoir, hopefully in time for next summer.
Budgets were provided in Year one and Year two of the council’s Long Term Plan to accommodate this development.
Supplementary supply will still be required from Leithfield Beach to meet summer demand, but will be well diluted by this majority supply from Racecourse Road.