Draft Long Term Plan - Key Issue 1: Roading
Proposal to increase rates investment in roading.
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Council often hears from the community that they would like us to do more work on our roads - and we are keen to do more. However, while Council receives funding from Waka Kotahi NZTA, there is still a lot of cost left over for the ratepayer to pick up. To meet Council’s commitment to levels of service, we need to increase our roading spend. In 2023/24, Council’s total roading programme totalled $12 million. Ideally, there is a need for roading investment of at least $64.4 million over the next three years.
For the three-year period between 2024/25 and 2026/27, Waka Kotahi has undertaken to subsidise 52% of the cost of agreed roading works. Council has applied to Waka Kotahi for increased funding of $33.5 million over the three years, to meet the $64.4 million proposed roading programme. The outcome of Council’s application won’t be known before the Draft Long Term Plan is finalised.
Continue Council’s current level of rates funding for subsidised roading activities in 2024/25 ($7.5 million) and increase the level of rates funding for subsidised roading activities in 2025/26 and thereafter to $11.2 million per annum (adjusted for inflation).
Increase the level of rates funding for subsidised roading activities to meet the full proposed programme to $8.6 million in 2024/25; $11.2 million in 2025/26 and 2026/27.
Maintain the level of rates funding for subsidised roading activities at $7.5 million (adjusted for inflation) per annum over the next 10 years.