Better Together - A lens on drink driving in Hurunui
A month-long road safety initiative involving Hurunui District Council, NZ Police and New Zealand Transport Agency (NZTA) has led to more awareness about drink driving and how it affects communities.
Throughout June, Hurunui’s Police conducted additional vehicle checks, enforcement and driver education in Hanmer Springs, Culverden and Amberley across four separate check points. This resulted in 873 drivers breathalysed, with seven detected excess breath alcohol, six of those drivers blowing above the legal limit.
Sergeant Rob Irvine said it was disappointing to see even a small number of drivers processed for drink driving, and this trend has continued beyond June.
“The message about the dangers of drink driving is still not reaching a small percent of people.”
Sergeant Irvine did applaud local outlets across Hurunui, from restaurants and pubs to sports’ club rooms, for providing safe options for drivers such as non-alcoholic beverages and courtesy vehicles.
“There are a number of options for drivers, no one needs to drink and then drive.”
Sergeant Irvine said Hurunui’s Police will continue carrying out further checkpoints and breath test every driver, no matter what time of day or night.
During the campaign, Council used the tagline ‘I want to get home safely because…’ With the support of Mayor Marie Black, fellow councillors, and members of Hurunui District representing a range of ages, reasons for why opting to not drink alcohol and then drive, were shared.
Family, work, responsibilities to the community, and pets were all popular reasons.
Mayor Marie Black endorsed the integrated community approach, citing that the voices of friends and neighbours have a significant impact and influence on behaviour change.
“This commitment to making our district safer is important and being ‘better together’ will create positive outcomes,” she said.
Council’s Safer Roads Facilitator Emma Feathery said these partnerships are great tools for reducing harm on Hurunui’s roads, and the important message needs to continue throughout the year.
Feathery enjoyed being part of the campaign and wanted to thank NZ Police and NZTA for the support.
“The numbers show yet again that a multi-agency approach to road safety achieves results and undoubtedly reduces harm on local roads.”
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