Health (Hairdressers) Regulations 1980
All hairdressing premises are required to comply with the Health (Hairdressing) Regulations 1980.
Discussions should be had with the councils building and planning departments to make sure the premises you are going to use are compliant.
Basic requirements of the premises are:
- All wettable areas must be continuously smooth, impervious to water and readily cleanable.
- Ventilation and lighting must be adequate.
- There must be hot and cold running water and separate sinks for hand washing, shampooing, utensil washing and any other needs.
- You must organise management of premises cleaning, building maintenance, pest control and chemical storage.
Premises are inspected on an annual basis (the fee for this inspection is included in the application / renewal fee) unless a complaint is received in which an inspection outside of the annual basis will be conducted.
You may not open your hairdressing business until registration has been made and the environmental health officer has approved opening of the premises.
Application for a hairdresser.
Annual registrations are from 1 July to 30 June.
Application fees are not refundable.