Permanent Fences:
- A licence to occupy is required to erect a fence on the road reserve and to occupy that area of land.
It is possible that no licence is required for a temporary fence for grazing the 'long acre' under the following conditions:
- Stock may be grazed on a rural road reserve adjoining land owned/occupied by the stock owner at their own risk.
- No temporary fence shall be erected within 1 metre of the road, and may only be created on one side of the road at any one time.
- Clearly visible reflectors must be fitted as well as appropriate “live wire” warnings signs if the temporary fence is electrified.
- During the hours of darkness grazing is not permitted on the road reserve and electrified fences must be disconnected from their power supply.
- The Council is not financially responsible for any fencing on road reserve boundaries.
- Please Refer to Section 8. of the Public Places Bylaw 2014 for further explanation.