Past Capacity Building Workshops
Below is a wee roundup of the past workshops held by the Community Partnerships Team with the most recent workshop is listed first. If you want to be kept informed about upcoming workshops - sign up below.

March 2024 - Incorporated Societies Act
an informative session for our community groups to understand the upcoming changes and what they need to action.

May 2023 - Good Governance
Two sessions were held with Trish Hughes who ran through the basics of good governance for board or committee meetings.

March 2023 - Funding, Community Led Development and Welcoming Communities
Hosted at the Scargill Pavilion attendees were updated on funding options with Rātā Foundation and Department of Internal Affairs. Steve from Waitaha CLD Network introduced the network and gave an overview on what community led development involves. The session finished with Natalie updating us on the Welcoming Communities programme. Read more about it: here

September 2022 - Scam & Fraud Awareness Workshops - District Wide
A series of sessions were held around the district to inform our residents how to stop a scam and to keep themselves safe against fraud. Tony Maw from NZ Police led the conversation supported by North Canterbury Neighbourhood Support and Amberley Libraries.

July 2022 - Communications 101 held in Culverden
Thanks to Visit Hurunui we brought Great Scott Communications to Culverden. Topics covered were basic social media channels and how to write a good communications plan.

July 2020 - Funding Workshop held at Scargill
Approx 40 people attended an informative session with Department of Internal Affairs, Te Puni Kōkiri and Rātā Foundation. The funders shared a variety of funds available via their organisations and also how to write a good funding application.