Other Recycling Schemes
Reducing Building Waste
Construction and demolition waste makes up nearly half of New Zealand's total waste going to landfill. Every home built can generate on average four tonnes of waste.
Most of the dumping of construction waste is unnecessary.
The choice of materials is so important and requires consideration of life cycle, impact on the environment and the ability to reuse, recycle and dispose of.
The best way to reduce waste on site is to develop a Waste Management Plan
Check out our Building Waste Hierarchy for tips on reducing waste.
Click on the A-Z to help reduce your waste.
A - C
Item | Where does it go |
Aluminum | In good condition, aluminium can be reused. Scrap metal is accepted at all transfer stations. It is chargeable at all sites apart from Amberley where it is accepted for free. |
Asphalt | Can be broken up on site for temporary road construction or cleanfill or sorted by type for crushing and recycling. |
Brass | Brass is too soft of a metal to re-use. Scrap metal is accepted at all transfer stations. It is chargeable at all sites apart from Amberley where it is accepted for free. |
Bricks can be reused if they can be removed in good condition or disposed of via Amberley transfer station as cleanfill providing the acceptance criteria is met. | |
Cardboard and paper | Clean cardboard and paper can be recycled into new products. |
Carpet | Good-condition carpet can be reused or bound into rugs by some carpet companies. Wool carpet can be recycled into insulation products or used as weed mat. |
Tiles cannot be reused but are a great option for creating mosaics. Being inert, they can be safely deposited at Amberley transfer station as cleanfill providing the acceptance criteria is met | |
Can be re-used as a base under concrete or disposed of via Amberley transfer station providing all steel is cut off at the concrete face and the acceptance criteria is met. | |
Cork | Being natural cork flooring is a biodegradable product, so will break down when disposed of. |
D - M
Item | Where does it go |
Double Glazed Windows and Doors | Can be salvaged and reused if in good condition or they can be disposed of via Amberley transfer station. |
Electric cabling | Accepted for free at all Hurunui transfer stations, just hand to the staff on site. |
Can be recycled for free by dropping them off to any Hurunui transfer station. | |
Granite | Granite countertops are reusable. |
Heat Pump | Contact a specialist company. who will remove and collect the ozone-depleting substances or heat pumps can be recycled via any transfer station for a per item charge. |
I-Joist | Most I-Joists are metal so can be salvaged or recycled via the transfer stations. |
Insulation | Insulation materials such as pink batts are not recyclable and cannot be reused. But can be disposed of via the transfer stations. TERRALANAwool insulation is an alternative being a product which is made to order to eliminate waste. |
Iron | 100% recyclable via all transfer stations. Metal is chargeable at all sites apart from Amberley where it is accepted for free. |
Joist Hanger | Joist hangers cannot be reused or modified but can be recycled via all transfer stations as scrap metal. |
Limestone | One re-use option for limestone is for decorative purposes in the garden. |
Lino | If undamaged, lino can be reused, otherwise it can be disposed of as waste via any transfer station. |
N - P
Item | Where does it go |
Nails | Being made from metal e.g. steel or aluminium, nails can be recycled via any transfer station. |
Oriental Strand Board | Particle board is most often diverted towards waste to energy markets or disposal via a transfer station. |
Paint - drop off. Paint - re-use. | Drop off containers for paint and stains are provided at all transfer stations. Paint and stains can be collected from all transfer stations for re-use for free during opening hours. Resene PaintWise is another option for paint and container recycling for drop off locations visit www.resene.co.nz/comn/colorshops/colorshops.php |
Particle Board | Particle board is most often diverted towards waste to energy markets or disposal via a transfer station. |
PE Pipes and PVC Fittings and Filters | Marley offer a free recycling service for uPVC pipes, fittings, spouting and downpipes and PE pipes. There are drop off points in Christchurch with the product received used to manufacture uPVC and PVC piping systems. |
Plaster | Can not be reused but the transfer stations in Hurunui accept it as waste. |
Plasterboard | Plasterboard can be reused if undamaged. GIB offer an offcut recycling service, drop off locations are listed on www.gib.co.nz/about-winstonewallboards/aboutsustainability/gib-plasterboard-offcutrecycling-services/ |
To recycle commercial quantities, of polystyrene contactEXPOLon 0800 86 33 73 or email pickup@expol.co.nz | |
Polystyrene/Geofoam | Thehousehold polystyrene recycling schemeis free for householders at selected hardware stores for clean |
polystyrene with no food residue, dirt, stickers, or glue. The equivalent of two refuse bags will be accepted at a time. For commercial quantities, contactEXPOLon 0800 86 33 73 or email pickup@expol.co.nz | |
Can be recycled for free via any Hurunui transfer station, simply speak to the staff on site. | |
Putty | Can not be reused but the transfer stations in Hurunui accept it as waste. |
Q - S
Item | Where does it go |
Quartz Stone Bench Top | If removed without damage, a bench top can be reused, otherwise any Hurunui transfer station will accept them as cleanfill. |
Rafter | Most rafters are made of timber, so can be salvaged, and reused. Untreated timber can be used as firewood and treated timber can be disposed of via any transfer station. |
Roof tiles can be reused if removed carefully. Alternatively, they can be crushed and used as a base under concrete or disposed of via Amberley transfer station as cleanfill providing the acceptance criteria is met. | |
Scrap Metal | Scrap metal is accepted at all transfer stations. It is chargeable at all sites apart from Amberley. Sealed metal drums are not accepted. |
Shingle | Can be reused or taken to Amberley transfer station and disposed of as cleanfill. |
T - Z
Item | Where does it go |
Timber | Some timber is suitable for reuse. Untreated timber can be used as firewood, but treated timber should always be disposed of via a transfer station. |
Topsoil | Sometimes of benefit to gardeners. Providing it is not contaminated it can be disposed of via Amberley transfer station as cleanfill. |
Uboot Slabs | Uboot slab is a reconstituted polypropylene. Cannot be reused. Talk to the provider to see if they take it back. Or HDC local transfer station takes it as waste |
Whiteware | Dishwashers, washing machines, ovens, microwaves, fridges, and freezers can be recycled at all transfer stations. Staff will advise where whiteware should be placed. |
Window Glass | Window glass cannot be recycled but can be disposed of via Amberley transfer station as cleanfill |
Wood | Some wood can be salvaged and reused or untreated timber can be used as firewood and treated timber can be disposed of via any Hurunui transfer station. |
Can not be reused but can be recycled viaEXPOLon 0800 86 33 73 or email pickup@expol.co.nz | |
Z-bar Flashing | Being metal, they can be salvaged or recycled at any transfer station. |
Household Rubbish and Recycling A - Z Guide
Do you have an item to dispose of, but you are not sure where it goes?
Our A-Z guide shows you how to dispose of your waste the right way and includes a range of recycling schemes.
A - C
Item | Where does it go |
Aluminum cans | Clean aluminium cans can be recycled via the recycling bags and transfer stations. |
Aluminum wine bottle lids | Support Amberley Lions by recycling aluminium wine bottle lids via all transfer stations or Amberley, Amuri, Cheviot and Hanmer Springs libraries, to raise funds for Christchurch Kidney Society. |
To discourage burning or burying of farm waste, Plasback, offer a plastics recycling scheme, through which contractors provide farmers with a collection / recycling service. | |
Christchurch Methodist Central Mission run a blanket and bedding re-use programme, through which good condition bedding items are generally accepted. Further information is available on their website. Broomfield Automotive will accept clean bedding and towels to use as rags in their workshop. Drop off by prior arrangement only by telephoning 027 629 9356. | |
Books | There are several book banks in Hurunui including in Amberley, Hanmer Springs, Leithfield, Leithfield Beach and Waipara. Westpac in Amberley, Op and charity shops also accept donations of books. |
Alkaline, dry cell and zinc, lithium, li-ion, button cell and camera batteries are accepted for recycling at Amberley, Culverden, Hanmer Springs and Waiau transfer stations and Amberley, Amuri, Cheviot, Hanmer Springs and Hawarden libraries. Rusty, leaking, or modified batteries are not accepted, plus please tape batteries over the terminal, and the top and bottom of button cell batteries before dropping them off. | |
Excludes EV batteries. | Vehicle batteries are accepted for free via at Hurunui transfer stations. EV batteries are not accepted at any transfer station. |
Broadband modems | Broadband modems can be recycled via any Spark store for no charge. |
There are several Op and charity shops in Hurunui, which accept a range of items, contact them direct for further information. | |
Recyclable via all transfer stations and recycling bags providing they are clean and free of plastic strapping and wrap. Bundles of cardboard will not be collected from the kerbside. | |
Up to 20 litres of garden, household, and pool chemicals (secure and labelled) can be dropped off to Amberley transfer station; speak to the staff on arrival. Waste fuel, paint thinners and antifreeze are not accepted. For larger volumes, commercial or agricultural chemicals, contact Agrecovery or EnviroNZ. | |
All transfer stations accept children's car seats for recycling (there is a charge). For further details, visit SeatSmart website. | |
Childrens shoes | Pairs of clean and good condition shoes can be recycled via any clothing drop off or via the op shops in Hurunui. |
Cleanfill, although chargeable is accepted at Amberley transfer station only providing the criteria is met. | |
Clothing | Clothing can be recycled via the clothing bins at Amberley transfer station or donated to local Op and charity shops. |
Coffee Capsules - aluminium | These are not accepted in the recycling bags or via the transfer stations for recycling. LÓR, Moccona, lily, Jed’s, Robert Harris, and NESCAFE Dolce Gusto Capsules are accepted for free via the Terracycle recycling programme. Clean aluminium coffee pods can be dropped off to Amberley or Hanmer Springs weighbridge and recycled for free. |
Nespresso offer a business recycling service for coffee pods and provide a free collection service. For further details or to obtain a collection box, visit the Nespresso website. | |
Compact bulbs | These can be recycled for free via the weighbridge offices at Amberley or Hanmer Springs transfer stations or via any Mitre 10 store. |
Community Energy Action - Recycle unwanted, but good condition curtains for re-use by others. Further information is available on their website. |
D - G
Item | Where does it go |
Dishwashers | See whiteware. |
Egg boxes and trays | Clean egg boxes can be recycled or re-used. |
Electric fence batteries are accepted for free at all Hurunui transfer stations. | |
Electrical cabling | Accepted for free at all Hurunui transfer stations, just hand to the staff on site. |
Accepted for recycling at all Hurunui transfer stations for a small charge per item to cover the cost of recycling. TechCollect NZ also offer a free e-waste recycling drop off service for participating brands. Visit their website for further information. | |
Accepted for recycling for free at Amberley, Cheviot and Culverden transfer stations. It can also be recycled for no charge via Supercheap Auto stores. | |
Envelopes | Envelopes without plastic windows and larger than 11cm x 22cm can be recycled via the recycling bags or transfer stations. |
Council has an Events Waste Reduction Guide offering advice and ways to reduce waste and recycle when planning, running and cleaning up after events. | |
Council sells food waste composting kits for a discounted price via the Amberley and Hanmer Springs transfer stations, the libraries and Council offices. Or visit Love Food – Hate Waste for tips and trips on how to reduce food waste. | |
Accepted for recycling at all transfer stations for a per item charge to cover the cost of recycling; speak to the staff on arrival. | |
Can be recycled for free by dropping them off to any Hurunui transfer station or Mitre 10 store.. | |
Fridges and Freezers | See whiteware. |
Accepted for recycling at all transfer stations for a per item charge to cover the cost of recycling; speak to the staff on arrival. | |
Glass bottles and jars | Clean glass bottles and jars with lids removed can be recycled via any Hurunui transfer station. |
Certain forms of garden waste are accepted at Amberley, Cheviot and Hanmer Springs transfer stations providing the criteria is met and the appropriate fee paid. | |
Greeting cards | Recyclable via the transfer stations or recycling bag providing they are larger than 11cm x 22cm. Another option is to donate them to pre-schools or schools for art projects. |
H - N
Item | Where does it go |
There are options available in Hurunui for recycling certain brands of empty, tripled rinsed agri-chemical containers via Agrecovery. | |
Agrecovery offer an on-farm collection service for recycling certain brands of 100 and 200 litre HDPE drums. | |
Triton Hearing offer a free battery recycling box to hold around 70 hearing aid batteries, which when returned to a Triton Hearing will be recycled and a single battery pack provided free. An address to post hearing aid batteries to is available. | |
Junk mail | Providing larger than a standard envelope, junk mail can be placed in the recycling. Reduce waste by signing up to receive junk mail by email or place a no junk mail sticker on your mailbox. |
Laptops | Laptops can be recycled via any Spark store for no charge. Wipe data prior to dropping off laptops for recycling. |
There are options available in Hurunui for recycling certain brands of LDPE bags via Agrecovery. | |
Magazines | Recyclable via all transfer stations and the recycling bags providing they are clean and loose. Bundles of magazines will not be collected. |
Meat trays | Clean (washed) plastic meat trays can be recycled via the recycling bags and transfer stations. Polystyrene meat trays are not recyclable. |
Medicines | Unwanted medicines and needles; contact your local pharmacy for advice and these can be returned to them. |
Microwaves | See whiteware |
Milk and juice bottle lids | Plastic lids (type 2) from milk and juice bottles can be dropped off at Amberley and Hanmer Springs transfer stations or Amberley, Amuri, Cheviot and Hanmer Springs libraries for local re-use projects. If anyone would like lids for a project, call 03 314 7778 or email Recycling@hurunui.govt.nz |
RE-MOBILE provides an environmentally friendly option to recycle unwanted cell phones either by dropping off to a choice of locations or sending to a Freepost address. Unwanted cell phones can also be dropped off to the weighbridge offices at Amberley and Hanmer Springs transfer stations for passing onto RE-MOBILE. | |
Newspapers | Recyclable via all transfer stations and the recycling bags providing they are clean and loose. Bundles of newspapers will not be collected. |
O - S
Item | Where does it go |
Office wastepaper | Recyclable via all transfer stations and the recycling bags providing the paper is clean and loose, with plastic covers and binders removed. Shredded paper is not recyclable and will contaminate recycling. |
Ovens | See whiteware. |
Drop off containers for paint and stains are provided at all transfer stations. Paint and stains can be collected from all transfer stations for re-use for free during opening hours. Resene PaintWise is another option for paint and container recycling for drop off locations visit www.resene.co.nz/comn/colorshops/colorshops.php | |
Marley offer a free recycling service for uPVC pipes, fittings, spouting and downpipes and PE pipes. There are drop off points in Christchurch with the product received used to manufacture uPVC and PVC piping systems. | |
Amberley Vets participate in the Terracycle Royal Canin Free Recycling Programme and offer an in store drop off for empty and clean Royal Canin pet food packaging. Visit the Terracycle website for further information. | |
Council sells pet waste composting kits for a discounted price via the Amberley and Hanmer Springs transfer stations, the libraries and Council offices. | |
Phones | The following can be dropped off to Spark stores for no charge. Old and unused mobile phones, batteries and chargers. Corded and cordless landline phones. |
Plant pots, seedling trays and labels | Arthur Burkes accepts clean plant pots for recycling at their Amberley branch. Mitre 10 stores accept clean plant and seedling pots and labels (plastic type 5) for shredding and remoulding into new pots for free. Bunnings at Christchurch airport and Riccarton accept plant packaging (plastic type 5) including plant pots and stakes for free. Plant labels are not accepted. |
Clean, soft drink bottles, mill bottles, ice cream containers and larger yogurt containers can all be recycled via the recycling bags and transfer stations. Lids are not recyclable and inclusion of these with recycling causes contamination. | |
Polystyrene | The household polystyrene recycling scheme is free for householders at selected hardware stores for clean polystyrene with no food residue, dirt, stickers, or glue. The equivalent of two refuse bags will be accepted at a time. For commercial quantities, contact EXPOL on 0800 86 33 73 or email pickup@expol.co.nz |
Postage stamps | Used postage stamps can be posted to Hearing Dogs for Deaf People, PO Box 8117, New Plymouth 4342. |
Scrap metal | Scrap metal is accepted at all transfer stations. It is chargeable at all sites apart from Amberley where it is accepted for no charge. Sealed metal drums are not accepted. |
Shoes | Shoes can be recycled via the clothing bin at Amberley transfer station or donated to local Op and charity shops. |
Soft plastics recycling is available in Woolworths in Amberley and in Rangiora and Christchurch through a choice of locations. Soft plastics cannot be recycled via the recycling bags or any Hurunui transfer station. Courier bags are available for purchase via select NZ Post Stores, New World, Warehouse and Warehouse Stationary. Through these bread, pet food, courier, toilet paper, cereal, produce and frozen food bags and bubble wrap, can be collected by a courier or dropped at your local NZ Post Store for sending for recycling. | |
Specsavers offer a recycling programme for glasses and sunglasses. Pre-loved glasses can be placed in the glasses recycling box or handed staff at any Specsavers store. |
T - Z
Item | Where does it go |
Accepted for recycling at all Hurunui transfer stations for a small charge per item to cover the cost of recycling. To be accepted for recycling, screens must not be broken. | |
Terracycle offer several free recycling schemes for certain brands of aluminium coffee capsules, used Colgate products, Gillette razor products and some brands of makeup products. For further information, visit www.terracycle.com/en-NZ/brigades | |
Telephone directories | Phone directories can be recycled in the kerbside collection or via the transfer stations. Stop the delivery of the Yellow Pages via www.yellow.co.nz/print-publications/book-management/ and use the online directory instead. |
Toners and printer cartridges | Toners and printer cartridges can be recycled via Amberley and Hanmer Springs transfer stations or dropped off to the Warehouse Stationary in Rangiora. Alternatively use refillable cartridges to reduce waste. |
Tools | Local Menz Sheds in Hurunui welcome donations of good condition and working tools, contact them direct. |
Tyres | Tyres are accepted during opening hours at all transfer station for fee per individual tyre. |
To discourage the burning or burying of farm waste, Plasback, offer a recycling scheme, through which contractors provide farmers with a collection service for vineyard net. | |
Whiteware | Dishwashers, washing machines, ovens, microwaves, fridges, and freezers can be recycled at all transfer stations. Staff will advise where whiteware should be placed. |
Windscreen glass | Windscreen glass is accepted for recycling at Amberley transfer station. Let the weighbridge know on arrival if dropping off windscreen glass. |
Recycle Shops
Wanting to recycle and re-use more? Check out the other schemes the Council is presently aware of.
Hurunui Op Shops | Opening Hours | Acceptance Criteria |
Waikari Community Op Shop 03 314 6088. 79 Princes Street, Waikari | Monday and Thursday from 10.30am to 2pm | Clothes, shoes, toys, books and small household items accepted. Furniture and electrical items not accepted. |
SPCA 03 662 3989 amberley.opshop@spca.nz 96E Carters Road, Amberley | Daily from 9am to 4.30pm | Bring items to store for assessment in opening hours. Not accepted - chemicals, electric blankets, firefighting or medical items, life jackets, pressure cookers, sunbeds or lamps, tanning items, helmets and gas appliances. |
Mollies Place Community Resource Hub Community run and not-for profit 027 362 4162 molliesplace97@gmail.com 97 Carters Road, Amberley For larger items or loads and drop off outside of opening hours, contact to discuss. Local collection by arrangement. FACEBOOK - 'Mollie's Place at 97.' INSTAGRAM - 'molliesplaceat' | Monday to Friday from 10am to 4pm Saturday from 10am to 1pm | Unbroken/working household goods, manchester, smaller furniture items, pictures, decorative items and small electrical appliances, adult clothing, near new shoes, jewellery, accessories, books, CD's, DVD's, puzzles, toys, games, craft materials and tools accepted. Not accepted - pillows, large duvet inners, well worn shoes, children's clothes or shoes, vacuum cleaners, printers, whiteware, TV's, nursery or safety items and some other goods. |
Twice but Nice Clothing 6/30 Conical Hill, Hanmer Springs | Wednesday to Saturday from 10.30am to 3pm | Quality, washed clothing, hats and scarves accepted. Not accepted - household or electrical items. |
Discounted Composting Kits
Discounted food and animal waste composting kits are available for purchase from council outlets.
Agricultural Waste
Agrecovery and Plasback recycling schemes are available in Hurunui to support farmers and growers to recycle.
Waste Plan and Education
Council offers a free education programme for schools and community groups to learn to reduce, re-use and recycle in Hurunui.