Transport Procurement Strategy
Hurunui District Council is part of the North Canterbury area and the town of Amberley is only 45 minutes from the centre of Christchurch City. This gives part of the District access to a reasonable size pool of suppliers for goods and services, including a range of small to medium companies based in the Hurunui. However, the balance of this seventh largest NZ district is located further north of Amberley, stretching as far as the Conway and the Lewis Pass, with a maintained transport infrastructure in place to adequately service the demand of these road-user patrons. This vast and demanding geographic area services a substantial percentage of NZ’s export receipts, as well as regional and local supply demand.
Thus, the road infrastructure needs to be strategically and financially aligned to Central Government’s demand to provide:
- a safe and resilient transport system that is free of deaths and serious injuries,
- an accessible transport system that provides increased access to economic and social opportunities with greater transport choice, that provides better environmental outcomes that reduce the adverse effects on the climate, local environment and public health, and achieves the best value for every dollar invested and spent.